Feeling Lost in Life? Read This!

Pawan Mehra
3 min readAug 6, 2024


Learn actionable steps to start your journey today

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Ever feel like you’re just drifting through life without a clear direction? Trust me, you’re not alone. It’s super normal to feel lost sometimes. But guess what? It’s also easy to fix.

All you need is a direction, something to make progress towards every day. For some, that might be a specific goal.

For me, it’s all about becoming my unlimited self.

What is Your Unlimited Self?

Your unlimited self is your dream self, your full potential, everything you want to be. It’s made up of traits that define who you aspire to become.

Here are some examples of mine:

  • I wake up at 5 AM every day to hit the gym and get a head start on my day.
  • I work 8–10 hours daily on my business, my mission. Every day is a great day to build.
  • I never binge Netflix or YouTube during the day — only for breaks.
  • I work out 8 times a week: 4 weightlifting sessions and 4 cardio sessions.
  • I run 5 miles a day.

These are just a few traits, but your unlimited self should have a ton more.

Am I this person right now?

Nope. But I’m on a journey to becoming my unlimited self, and that’s the direction I’m heading in.

Why Direction Matters

If you’re not heading in a direction, you’re just drifting. A lot of people define their direction as a specific goal, like losing X pounds or making $X a year. But once you reach those goals, you become unhappy again because they weren’t fulfilling.

Becoming your unlimited self is fulfilling because you’re increasing your self-respect by doing hard things. You’re building a relationship with yourself.

Action Steps to Find Your Direction

  1. Create Your Master Doc
  • Get a Google Doc or a Notes Doc and title it “My Master Doc.”
  • Write down traits that you would want to have in your dream self.

2. Break Traits into Habits

  • Pick one of those traits and break it into a habit.

Example: I journal every day to be aware of where I currently am, who I currently am, and how I’m growing. I love journaling because it makes me feel centered and helps me clear my head. It’s my favorite habit.

The habit: Journal every day.

3. Commit to 30 Days

  • Do the habit for 30 days. If you miss a day, start over.
  • Make the habit as small as possible to ensure you stick with it.

Example: I run 5 miles a day. Start with running 0.1 miles a day for 30 days. Then, next month, go up to 0.3 miles, and the following month, 0.5 miles. It sounds silly, but studies show this will double the chances that you actually build the habit.

4. Gradual Increase

  • For me, with journaling, it would be just opening the journal every day for 30 days without writing.
  • Then, next month, write one sentence.
  • Increase by one sentence per month.

After a couple of months, you’ll have built the habit. Then, you can move on to the next trait.

This might seem slow, but your goal is to become your unlimited self before you die. You don’t need to become it right away. The goal isn’t just to become your unlimited self; the goal is to try to become your unlimited self.

The Journey is the Destination

Cheesy quote alert:

The journey is the destination.” I’m sorry, but it’s true.

The process of striving to become your unlimited self is what makes life fulfilling.

So, if you’re feeling lost, start by defining your direction and taking small, actionable steps towards it. You’ll be amazed at how quickly things start to fall into place.



Pawan Mehra

Small Steps, Big Results. Get 1% better every day. ✨